Smart Energy


Solar­na­tive trans­forms your house into a Smart Ener­gy Home to opti­mize your solar pow­er rate and max­i­mize your lev­el of self-suf­fi­cien­cy. Our pho­to­volta­ic sys­tem is easy to install and com­bines max­i­mum pow­er out­put with high­est safe­ty. Based on our unique high-fre­quen­cy tech­nol­o­gy, our prod­ucts are built for max­i­mum life­time and reli­a­bil­i­ty.

More energy, more self-sufficiency

The Solar­na­tive Smart Ener­gy Home is a com­pre­hen­sive ener­gy man­age­ment sys­tem devel­oped to opti­mize your solar ener­gy rate and dri­ve self-suf­fi­cien­cy. All sys­tem com­po­nents work togeth­er to make the most of your solar pow­er out­put and gain max­i­mum inde­pen­dence from ques­tion­able ener­gy sources and ris­ing prices.

The Solar­na­tive PV sys­tem is a safe plug-and-play AC sys­tem in which each PV mod­ule is con­trolled by an indi­vid­ual Pow­er­Stick micro-invert­er to max­i­mize pow­er out­put. With pre-assem­bled cables, the invert­ers are con­nect­ed in par­al­lel form­ing a 1‑phase string with 230 V out­put at 50 or 60 Hz. Each string of up to 20 A (4.6 kW pow­er) is con­nect­ed to a Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate, which com­mu­ni­cates with our cloud serv­er to feed per­for­mance data in the mobile app. For larg­er PV sys­tems, mul­ti­ple gate­ways can be com­bined in a mas­ter-slave con­fig­u­ra­tion. If desired, a Solar­na­tive Pow­er­Me­ter can be inte­grat­ed to mea­sure the elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion of the house­hold at any giv­en point of time and cal­cu­late the owner’s self-suf­fi­cien­cy rate.

To opti­mize the use of the PV system’s pow­er out­put, our smart Charge­Whiz is designed for solar sur­plus charg­ing of your elec­tric vehi­cle, and any excess ener­gy can be stored for the night with our mod­u­lar AC bat­tery sys­tem.

To reduce instal­la­tion time as well as radioin­t­er­fer­ence, all devices in our sys­tem com­mu­ni­cate via wire­less LoRa sig­nals or pow­er-line com­mu­ni­ca­tion avoid­ing the need of data cables. The Solar­na­tive mobile App allows remote com­mis­sion­ing and mon­i­tor­ing of the PV sys­tem on mod­ule lev­el facil­i­tat­ing both the ini­tial set­up as well as super­vi­sion and main­te­nance while operating.

Our Products

Solarnative PowerStick with mounting plate


The Solar­na­tive Pow­er­Stick is a unique high-fre­quen­cy micro-invert­er with 350 W AC pow­er, suit­able for PV mod­ules with a nom­i­nal pow­er of up to 440 Wp. It can also be inte­grat­ed in the mod­ule frame.

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Solarnative IntelliGate


The Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate is the brain of our Smart Ener­gy Home. It is con­nect­ed to the Solar­na­tive cloud serv­er via LTE and comes with a 10 GB data pack­age. It com­mu­ni­cates with all sys­tem components.

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Solarnative Smart Power Meter


The Solar­na­tive Pow­er­Me­ter can mea­sure the pow­er flow of three inde­pen­dent phas­es with up to 63 A and sends the mea­sured data to the Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate unsing wire­less LoRa.

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Solarnative Cable

Plug & Play Cabling

Instal­la­tion is made easy with our pre-assem­bled cables to con­nect indi­vid­ual invert­ers with each oth­er and with the Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate. Solar­na­tive cables are avail­able in all required lengths.

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Solarnative ChargeWhiz available 2025


The Solar­na­tive Charge­Whiz is a smart, bidi­rec­tion­al charg­ing sta­tion with two charg­ing points and intel­li­gent con­fig­u­ra­tions to opti­mize your solar charg­ing rate while ensur­ing full charge when you need it.

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Solarnative BatteryBrick available 2025


Based on our unique sin­gle-cell tech­nol­o­gy, the Solar­na­tive Bat­tery­Brick is a par­tic­u­lar­ly safe and effi­cient mod­u­lar ener­gy stor­age unit con­sist­ing of sev­er­al Solar­na­tive BatteryBricks.

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Solarnative IntelliGate Balcony

IntelliGate Balcony

The ele­gant Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony was devel­oped specif­i­cal­ly for bal­cony pv sys­tems. It mea­sures the per­for­mance of your PV mod­ules and sends the data to the Solar­na­tive app.

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Solarnative App

With the Solar­na­tive App, installers and home­own­ers have per­fect con­trol over the com­plete Smart Ener­gy Home system.

Start­ing with a quick instal­la­tion check on the roof, installers can eas­i­ly detect any miss­ing con­nec­tors with­out hav­ing to wait for the elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion to the grid. An auto­mat­ic map­ping func­tion facil­i­tates the comis­sion­ing process: the Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate auto­mat­i­cal­ly detects all micro-invert­ers in a string in prop­er sequence with­out hav­ing to scan ser­i­al num­bers or man­u­al­ly sketch the order of the devices.
Once the PV sys­tem is con­nect­ed to the grid, the ini­tial start-up can be done remote­ly on a smart phone or desk­top as long as there is day­light. Installers do not need to return to the site or wait on the spot.

For home­own­ers, the Solar­na­tive App offers all required mon­i­tor­ing and con­fig­u­ra­tion options includ­ing smart EV and bat­tery charg­ing process­es. Thanks to sin­gle-mod­ule con­trol, you can observe the per­for­mance of each PV mod­ule as well as the sys­tem as a whole.

For Homeowners:
Boost your roof

Achieve more self-suf­fi­cien­cy through more self-gen­er­at­ed solar ener­gy with Solarnative’s PV solu­tion. Find out how our sys­tem helps you max­i­mize your pow­er out­put while pro­vid­ing great­est reli­a­bil­i­ty and safety.
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For balconys and other small applications

Make your own solar ener­gy with a small PV sys­tem on your bal­cony, car­port or any oth­er avail­able space. Dis­cov­er how our flex­i­ble plug-and-play solu­tion allows you to max­i­mize your ener­gy harvesting.
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For Installers:
PV Plug & Play

Dis­cov­er the Solar­na­tive PV sys­tem — designed to make life eas­i­er for installers. Based on decades of expe­ri­ence in PV sys­tem con­struc­tion, our solu­tion is designed for fast plug & play instal­la­tion, max­i­mum secu­ri­ty and care­free aftersales.
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