

  • Improvements through latest firmware update

    Here are some of the key changes intro­duced with this update:

    Gen­er­al sys­tem and sta­bil­i­ty improve­ments: We have made var­i­ous opti­miza­tions to improve the over­all sta­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance of our microin­vert­ers. Addi­tion­al­ly, the user expe­ri­ence has been improved to ensure smooth use of our products.

    MPP track­ing opti­miza­tions: By fine-tun­ing Max­i­mum Pow­er Point Track­ing (MPP), we have fur­ther increased the effi­cien­cy of our invert­ers to ensure max­i­mum ener­gy yield.

Look­ing for help?

At the Solar­na­tive Helpdesk you’ll find infor­ma­tion, tips and videos about our prod­ucts, and you can get in touch with the Solar­na­tive Tech­ni­cal Service.

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