

The Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony mon­i­tors and con­trols your bal­cony PV sys­tem mak­ing sure your pow­er plant com­plies with local reg­u­la­tions while allow­ing you to max­i­mize your ener­gy yield.

  • Con­trol unit for your bal­cony PV system
  • Con­trols the feed-in power
  • Upgrade­able from 600W to 800W via remote update
Solarnative IntelliGate Balcony
Solarnative IntelliGate Balcony

IntelliGate Balcony

The Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony mon­i­tors and con­trols your bal­cony PV sys­tem mak­ing sure your pow­er plant com­plies with local reg­u­la­tions while allow­ing you to max­i­mize your ener­gy yield.

  • Con­trol unit for your bal­cony PV system
  • Con­trols the feed-in capacity
  • Upgrade­able from 600W to 800W via remote update

Maximize your energy yield

With our solu­tion for small PV sys­tems you can max­i­mize your ener­gy yield while respect­ing local reg­u­la­tions. Small PV sys­tems are usu­al­ly installed on your bal­cony or in your gar­den or any oth­er small area that fits only a few PV pan­els. Nor­mal­ly, these small pow­er plants come with one or two PV pan­els and a micro-invert­er with 600 or 800W, depend­ing on local reg­u­la­tions. In our sys­tem, the max­i­mum feed-in pow­er is not lim­it­ed by the micro-invert­er. Instead, the Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony — our mon­i­tor­ing and con­trol unit — reg­u­lates your feed-in pow­er at all times. This means that you can install more than 600 or 800W to col­lect more ener­gy in low-light con­di­tions, like in the morn­ings and evenings and on cloudy days, while mak­ing sure that you’re com­ply­ing with the rules in sun­ny hours.

Upgradable from 600 to 800W

Because the feed-in pow­er of your small PV sys­tem is con­trolled by the Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony, our sys­tem can be upgrad­ed from the 600W lim­it that is cur­rent­ly valid in Ger­many to 800W as soon as reg­u­la­tions are changed. This is done by an over-the-air update sent to your Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony using your home WiFi.

In coun­tries with a 800W lim­it, such as Aus­tria and Italy, the sys­tem is set to 800W from the start.