
PV system installation

Pri­vate­ly used PV sys­tems are becom­ing increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar. The order for a PV sys­tem instal­la­tion involves a num­ber of tasks for you as an installer: The sys­tem must be planned togeth­er with the client before it is installed and con­nect­ed to the house­hold grid. Find out in this arti­cle how easy and time-sav­ing the instal­la­tion of the Solar­na­tive sys­tem is.

Is photovoltaics worth it

Those con­sid­er­ing pur­chas­ing a solar ener­gy sys­tem often ask them­selves whether the pur­chase and instal­la­tion costs are actu­al­ly worth it. You may find many dif­fer­ent answers on the sub­ject of “Is pho­to­voltaics worth it?” online, some of which con­tain con­tra­dic­to­ry or even mis­in­for­ma­tion and are some­times writ­ten from a sub­jec­tive point of view. Here,we will pro­vide you with sol­id facts, up-to-date infor­ma­tion and valu­able deci­­sion-mak­ing aids for the pur­chase of a pri­vate solar ener­gy sys­tem for your own home.

Photovoltaic subsidisation

More and more home­own­ers are look­ing to install solar pan­els on their roofs to gen­er­ate their own elec­tric­i­ty. This not only offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to save con­sid­er­able costs, but also sig­nif­i­cant­ly improves the envi­ron­men­tal bal­ance. How­ev­er, when it comes to larg­er pho­to­volta­ic sys­tems, financ­ing is often a con­cern for many. Find out every­thing you need to know about sub­si­dis­ing pho­to­voltaics in this article.

Cost of solar system

Installing your own solar sys­tem on the roof is a promis­ing way to become inde­pen­dent of ener­gy sup­pli­ers and pro­duce your own ener­gy, espe­cial­ly in times of ris­ing elec­tric­i­ty prices. But which type of sys­tem is worth­while for your home? What costs should you expect? And what fac­tors influ­ence the price? In this arti­cle, we will answer these questions.

Register for your Balcony PV system

Dis­cov­er the world of bal­cony PV sys­tems — mini solar sys­tems that can be installed on bal­conies with­out any tech­ni­cal exper­tise. Gen­er­ate your own elec­tric­i­ty and ben­e­fit from the many advan­tages of gen­er­at­ing your own pow­er. But what rules do you need to observe? Do you need your landlord’s con­sent? How much pow­er is allowed to be gen­er­at­ed? We will pro­vide you with all the answers in this article.

Generate your own electricity

Gen­er­at­ing your own elec­tric­i­ty is becom­ing increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar. Ris­ing ener­gy costs and the high envi­ron­men­tal impact are prompt­ing more and more peo­ple to gen­er­ate their own elec­tric­i­ty. Curi­ous? Here you can find out how much elec­tric­i­ty you can gen­er­ate your­self, how you can pro­duce elec­tric­i­ty your­self and use it in your own house­hold and why a bal­cony PV sys­tem is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for this.

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