

The Solar­na­tive bat­tery sys­tem is a smart and safe mod­u­lar stor­age solu­tion made up of var­i­ous AC Bat­tery­Bricks. The sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion is com­plete­ly flex­i­ble with a stor­age capac­i­ty from 0.9 to 32.4 kWh for reg­u­lar homes.

  • Max­i­mum safety
  • Easy instal­la­tion
  • Light­weight & com­pact size
  • Smart charg­ing strategy
  • Full off-grid back-up system
  • Sin­gle-cell technology
Solarnative BatteryBrick available 2025
Solarnative BatteryBrick available 2025


The Solar­na­tive bat­tery sys­tem is a smart and safe mod­u­lar stor­age solu­tion made up of var­i­ous AC Bat­tery­Bricks. The sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion is com­plete­ly flex­i­ble with a stor­age capac­i­ty from 0.9 to 32.4 kWh for reg­u­lar homes.

  • Max­i­mum safety
  • Easy instal­la­tion
  • Light­weight & com­pact size
  • Smart charg­ing strategy
  • Full off-grid back-up system
  • Sin­gle-cell technology

Maximum safety & lifetime

Based on our pro­pri­etary high-fre­quen­cy tech­nol­o­gy, each bat­tery cell in the Solar­na­tive AC stor­age sys­tem is con­trolled indi­vid­u­al­ly by an inte­grat­ed bidi­rec­tion­al invert­er. With our unique sin­gle-cell tech­nol­o­gy, there is no dan­ger of cell mis­match­es and over­heat­ing. Each bat­tery cell is always oper­at­ed at its opti­mal work­ing con­di­tion lead­ing to unprece­dent­ed life­time and safety.

Maximum self-sufficiency

The Solar­na­tive AC bat­tery sys­tem is grid-form­ing and pro­vides a 3‑phase back-up func­tion­al­i­ty, allow­ing your Smart Ener­gy Home to be oper­at­ed as an inde­pen­dent off-grid sys­tem in the event of a blackout.

The Solar­na­tive Bat­tery­Brick will be avail­able with 0.9 kWh or 1.8 kWh capac­i­ty. Var­i­ous Bat­tery­Bricks can be com­bined in a 1‑phase or 3‑phase sys­tem with a stor­age capac­i­ty of up to 32.4 kWh in 3‑phase homes.

The bat­tery sys­tem is con­trolled by a Bat­tery Con­trol Unit (BCU) via pow­er-line com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The BCU is inte­grat­ed in the Smart Ener­gy Home sys­tem via LoRa, enabling intel­li­gent charg­ing strate­gies to make opti­mal use of the building’s solar pow­er out­put and increase self-sufficiency.

With its mod­u­lar approach, our AC bat­tery sys­tem fea­tures a superb charg­ing / dis­charg­ing effi­cien­cy over a wide pow­er range. Even low base con­sump­tion of 100 W dur­ing the night is pro­vid­ed at max­i­mum dis­charg­ing effi­cien­cy. With its com­pact bat­tery size and flex­i­ble con­fig­u­ra­tion options, the sys­tem fits into every cor­ner or alcove.