Clean ener­gy

from your balcony

Inter­est­ed in con­tribut­ing to a sus­tain­able future and low­er­ing your ener­gy bills? If you have a bal­cony or gar­den, you can! The Solar­na­tive PV solu­tion — devel­oped and made in Ger­many — is designed to be safe, effi­cient, and easy to install. With a Solar­na­tive PV sys­tem, you can gen­er­ate renew­able ener­gy from the com­fort of your own home, mak­ing it a prac­ti­cal and eco-friend­ly choice for any­one look­ing to reduce their car­bon footprint.

Clean energy from your balcony

Want to become a lit­tle more inde­pen­dent from ques­tion­able ener­gy sources and your pow­er supplier’s elec­tric­i­ty rates? If you have a bal­cony, gar­den or back­yard, you can! Dis­cov­er our solu­tion for your home PV plant — easy to install, safe by design and easy on the eyes.

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Upgradable to 800W

Our PV solu­tion for your bal­cony or gar­den adapts flex­i­bly to local reg­u­la­tions. You can feed in 600W today and soon 800W — with the same bal­cony PV system!

Icon: easy installation

Easy to install

No mat­ter if you install your bal­cony PV plant your­self or call an installer, our easy plug-and-play solu­tion is set up in no time: just con­nect the com­po­nents and plug your PV plant into a pow­er sock­et — it just works!

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Aesthetic look

With our solu­tion, you can avoid that big, often grey box on the back of your PV pan­el. The sleek and ele­gant black Pow­er­Stick micro-invert­er seam­less­ly inte­grates with the back of your PV mod­ule. Enjoy effi­cient solar ener­gy gen­er­a­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing aesthetics.

Now available!

Our PV solu­tion for your bal­cony or gar­den is now avail­able! Check out the spe­cial Ear­ly Bird offer: For a short time only, the set will be avail­able exclu­sive­ly in the fol­low­ing online shops at a reduced price.

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Balcony PV system overview

600W today, 800W tomorrow

With our flex­i­ble solu­tion for bal­cony pow­er plants, you are pre­pared for the future: you can already install a PV sys­tem with more than 600W today. The pow­er is con­trolled by the Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony which ensures that your pow­er plant does not exceed the per­mit­ted 600W at all times.

As soon as the 600W lim­it in Ger­many is raised to 800W, as it is cur­rent­ly the plan, a sim­ple over-the-air (OTA) soft­ware update will con­fig­ure your bal­cony PV sys­tem accord­ing­ly. If more than 600W of pow­er is installed, your PV plant will then deliv­er up to 800W at the push of a button.

Our solu­tion is not only suit­able for bal­conies but for almost any loca­tion where you can fit a small num­ber of PV mod­ules, be it your gar­den or yard, tool shed or car­port, a canopy or facade. The best thing is: once you have tak­en a lik­ing to your small Solar­na­tive sys­tem, you can eas­i­ly expand it with addi­tion­al PV mod­ules at any time.

Balcony PV system overview

Check out the smart and ele­gant Solar­na­tive Pow­er­Stick micro-invert­er and Solar­na­tive Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony now!

Are you run­ning your own shop for bal­cony PV sys­tems? Con­tact us to become a retail part­ner now.

Sign up for our newslet­ter below to stay tuned!

How to install your Solarnative balcony system


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The video shows how easy it is to install your Solar­na­tive Bal­cony PV sys­tem in just a few steps: Sim­ply con­nect all Solar­na­tive com­po­nents, assem­ble the mount­ing brack­ets and mod­ules accord­ing to the manufacturer’s instruc­tions, and plug the Intel­li­Gate Bal­cony into the sock­et — you’ll be pro­duc­ing your own solar pow­er in no time!

With its slim and ele­gant design, the Solar­na­tive Pow­er­Stick micro-invert­er can be mount­ed any­where: Whether on the mod­ule frame, on the sub­struc­ture, or on the bal­cony rail.

In addi­tion to the instal­la­tion video, check out our illus­trat­ed step-by-step guide for assem­bling your Solar­na­tive Bal­cony system.

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